企业简介 ◆成立于2010年,是国内知名的工件视觉检测设备提供商 ◆专注于机器视觉自动化检测解决方案的研发 ◆ 拥有完全自主知识产权的软件、硬件、图像算法、机械设计 ◆ 专业的研发团队可以提供各种视觉检测的定制化服务 ◆ 专业的售后服务团队为客户提供良好的售后服务 ◆ 国内首家生产检测钕铁硼工件六个面的外观缺陷与三维尺寸设备的厂家 ◆ 生产的自动检测仪可以检测镀锌、镀镍、磷化、环氧、黑片、铁氧体等镀层工件的外观和尺寸 产品介绍 Workpiece appearance and size automatic detector 用于检测长度1~80mm,宽度1~35mm,厚度0.5~8mm矩形工件六个面的外观缺陷与长宽厚三维尺寸; 测试效率100-600片/分钟; 兼容圆形、瓦形、面包形工件及我司已开发的60余种工件模型; 兼容镀锌、镀镍、磷化、环氧、黑片、铁氧体等镀层。 It is used to detect the appearance defects of six faces and the length, width and thickness of rectangular workpiece from 1 to 80mm, 1 to 35mm and 0.5 to 8mm respectively. Test efficiency 100-600 pieces/min; Compatible with round, tile, bread shape workpiece and our company has developed more than 60 kinds of workpiece model; Compatible with galvanized, nickel plating, phosphating, epoxy, black sheet, ferrite coating. 02 工件三维尺寸闪测仪 Three-dimensional Flsh Tester 用于检测长度2~100mm,宽度2~40mm,厚度1~10mm矩形工件的长宽厚三维尺寸并生成尺寸数据报表; 测试效率100片/分钟; 兼容圆形、瓦形、面包形工件及我司已开发的60余种工件模型; 兼容镀锌、镀镍、磷化、环氧、黑片、铁氧体等镀层。 It is used to test the length, width and thickness of rectangular workpiece with length from 2 to 100mm, width from 2 to 40mm and thickness from 1 to 10mm, and generate dimension data report. Test efficiency 100 pieces/min; Compatible with round, tile, bread shape workpiece and our company has developed more than 60 kinds of workpiece model; Compatible with galvanized, nickel plating, phosphating, epoxy, black sheet, ferrite coating. 03 非标定制设备 Non-standard custom equipment
可根据客户需求定制各种非标自动化检测设备; 目前有球体工件尺寸与外观自动检测仪、工件密度自动检测仪、柱体工件尺寸与外观在线检测自动检测仪、柱体工件尺寸与外观自动检测仪等。 The equipments can be customized according to customer requirements of various non-standard automatic testing equipment; At present, there are sphere workpiece size and appearance detector, workpiece density meter, cylinder workpiece size and appearance online detector, cylinder workpiece size and appearance detector, etc. 联系方式 北京鸿浩信达技术有限公司 北京总公司电话:010-56820195-818 广东智展展览有限公司 (国际展览业协会(UFI)中国区成员,广东会展组展企业协会副会长单位,中国十佳品牌组展商)